설정한 시간마다 알림창을 띄워 접속자에게 메시지를 알려주는 플러그인
중앙센터, 힌트박스, 메뉴 창, 채팅창, 왼쪽 위 메뉴창등 위치 지정 가능
sm_advertisements_enabled (0/1, def 1)
0: 끄기 1:켜기 (기본값: 1)
sm_advertisements_file (def "advertisements.txt")
File to read the advertisements from. Useful if you're running multiple servers from one installation, and want to use different advertisements per server.
sm_advertisements_interval (def 30)
안내창 몇초마다 띄울 것인지 지정
Server command to reload the advertisements from advertisements.txt. (advertisements.txt 파일 로드)
configs 폴더에 advertisements.txt 첨부하여 안에 값을 수정하여 사용
"type" "S"
"text" "{GREEN}contact@domain.com"
"type" "T"
"text" "www.domain.com"
"flags" "a"
This field can contain the following letters:
C A center message, like sm_csay.
H A hint message, like sm_hsay.
M A menu message, like sm_msay, but without the title or the Exit-option. 0 will still hide the message though. Will block 1-9 from switching weapons as long as it's showing.
S A chat message, like sm_say. It supports the following colors: {DEFAULT}, {TEAM}, {GREEN} and {LIGHTGREEN}. {TEAM} and {LIGHTGREEN} unfortunately don't work together in a single advertisement, so it's one or the other. For example: {GREEN}Current {LIGHTGREEN}Map: {DEFAULT}{CURRENTMAP}
T A top-left message, like sm_tsay. It supports one of the following colors: {WHITE}, {RED}, {GREEN}, {BLUE}, {YELLOW}, {PURPLE}, {CYAN}, {ORANGE}, {PINK}, {OLIVE}, {LIME}, {VIOLET} and {LIGHTBLUE}. You can omit the color if you just want the normal color. For example to have an orange message, set text to: {ORANGE} Text here
Multiple types per advertisement are allowed, so you can show a single advertisement in multiple places at the same time.