미니건과 중기관총을 소환 해주는 플러그인
Admin Commands:
sm_mg // Spawns a temporary Mini Gun at your crosshair. Usage: sm_mg <0|1> (0=.50 Cal / 1=Minigun).
sm_mgsave // Spawns a Mini Gun at your crosshair and saves to config. Usage: sm_mg <0|1> (0=.50 Cal / 1=Minigun).
sm_mglist // Displays a list of Mini Guns spawned by the plugin and their locations.
sm_mgdel // Removes the Mini Gun you are nearest to and deletes from the config if saved.
sm_mgclear // Removes all Mini Guns from the current map.
sm_mgwipe // Removes all Mini Guns from the current map and deletes them from the config.