Product Release - Valve
Save 66% off on Dungeon Defenders* during this week's Midweek Madness.
Dungeon Defenders has also added support for Steam Workshop! Players can access Steam Workshop in-game or through their web browser, to download and distribute user-created content. These new maps and mods can be used to play online or locally, and work across both PC and Mac using SteamPlay. Content is authored using the Dungeon Defenders Development Kit, based on Unreal Engine 3, and can contain customized artwork, enemies, loot items, and game code. So intrepid map designers and programmers take heart, you now have a built-in Steam audience for your original creative work.
In addition, Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 4, a new expansion for Dungeon Defenders, is now available on Steam!
*Discount does not apply to Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards DLCs.