Announcement - Valve
In celebration of the newly available, Blocks That Matter Steam Workshop Save 50% off Blocks That Matter during this week's Midweek Madness!
Blocks That Matter Steam Workshop
Blocks That Matter Steam Workshop is now available! Create and share your own levels, language files and custom BTM's so that Tetrobot keeps it's brain in working order.
You are the Tetrobot: a tiny robot that can drill blocks of matter one by one, collect them, and recycle them into new pieces of 4 blocks. You also have the possibility to destroy lines of 8+ blocks in a very «retro russian» game style. Sand, wood, stone, obsidian, iron, diamond: each matter has its specific behaviour you'll have to use wisely and take advantage of them. So get ready to use your brain and combine your platforming and puzzle-solving skills in this incredible mashup!
Blocks That Matter Steam Workshop
Blocks That Matter Steam Workshop is now available! Create and share your own levels, language files and custom BTM's so that Tetrobot keeps it's brain in working order.
You are the Tetrobot: a tiny robot that can drill blocks of matter one by one, collect them, and recycle them into new pieces of 4 blocks. You also have the possibility to destroy lines of 8+ blocks in a very «retro russian» game style. Sand, wood, stone, obsidian, iron, diamond: each matter has its specific behaviour you'll have to use wisely and take advantage of them. So get ready to use your brain and combine your platforming and puzzle-solving skills in this incredible mashup!